3 Common Ways to Significantly Reduce Spring Allergies

In Florence, South Carolina, spring is one of the worst times of the year for allergy sufferers. Pollen, pet dander, dust mites, pest droppings, or biological growth can cause uncomfortable symptoms. Some possible symptoms include sinus problems, a sore throat, eye irritation, headaches, or other issues. Here are some ways you can reduce allergies and keep your family comfortable this spring:

Remove Plants That Produce Pollen

Many indoor plants produce pollen. Family members can bring it into your home on their shoes and clothing. You can reduce your allergy symptoms and make spending time in your yard more pleasant by removing plants that send pollen into the air. Juniper, chrysanthemum, weeping fig or ficus often cause allergy issues. Daisies, sunflowers, and chamomile can also aggravate allergy symptoms. Trees and grasses often produce lots of pollen as well. When possible, replace pecan, pine, and cedar trees with dogwoods and magnolias. You can have artificial turf installed instead of grass.

Clean Regularly

Even if you remove most sources of allergens in your home, some contaminants will come through doors, windows, and leaks in insulation. Dust often contains pollen, insect parts, pet dander, and other allergens. You should dust and vacuum often to remove it. You can also reduce allergens by using a doormat and asking guests to remove their coats and shoes.

Maintain Your HVAC System

For better indoor air quality and fewer allergens, change your HVAC system’s air filter once per month. A dirty filter won’t be able to work effectively. You should also have your air conditioner checked by an expert before the weather gets warm.

Air Solutions Heating and Cooling is a specialist with heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality experience. We can help you reduce spring allergies and keep yourself and your family comfortable. For quality service, call us anytime at 803-753-4830.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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