Top Ways to Reduce Pet Allergy Symptoms

There’s nothing like coming home to a furry friend welcoming you at the door. Whether it’s a big and burly dog or a tiny, purring cat (or both!), your pets love you just as much as you love them. If you have allergies, though, having animals in the house might be causing you headaches. Read on to learn several tips and tricks you can follow to reduce pet allergy symptoms in your Florence, South Carolina, home.

Change the Air Filter

Change the filter once a month to keep your allergy symptoms under control and your HVAC expenses to a minimum. Pet dander sticks to the filter and causes it to clog quickly. As a result, the filter can’t reduce airborne allergens in the home, which aggravates your allergy symptoms. It also hinders your HVAC unit’s efficiency, causing your heating and cooling expenses to skyrocket. A dirty filter adds unnecessary wear and tear to the HVAC system, resulting in costly repairs and replacements.

Create an Allergy-Free Zone

Designate at least one spot in your home as an allergy-free zone. Ideally, make it your bedroom, because this is where you sleep. In addition to keeping your pets out of the bedroom, make sure you’re using appropriate bedding, such as impermeable mattress and pillow covers. This will keep dust mites to a minimum. Also, consider installing an air cleaner.

Give Your Pets a Weekly Bath

A simple way to keep your pets from shedding so much is to bathe them at least once a week. Not only does this reduce shedding but it also cuts down on the allergy-causing dander your pets produce. If you’re leery about giving the kitty a bath, know they tend to acclimate to it after the first few times. Always use a pet-friendly shampoo when bathing your pets.

Contact Air Solutions Heating and Cooling at 803-753-4830 to speak with one of our certified professionals about how to improve your home’s indoor air quality and reduce pet allergy symptoms.

Image provided by Bigstock

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